Choreographing the Liturgies of Holy Week and the Triduum | Mary Patricia Storms |
Doing Good Work | Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs |
Observing Lent as a Family | Kathryn Ball-Boruff |
Guardar la Cuaresma en familia | Translated by Ricardo López
The Solemn Intercessions of Good Friday | Kathy Kuczka |
Las intercesiones solemnes del Viernes Santo | Translated by Ricardo López
Radiant with Splendor: The Masses of Christmas | Nathan P. Chase
In the Face of Human Tragedy: a Call to Prayer and Action | Nathan P. Chase
The Liturgical Year at Home | Kathryn Ball-Boruff
El año litúrgico en casa | Kathy Kuczka
Our Ministry of Consolation | Kathy Kuczka
Nuestro ministerio de consuelo | Kathy Kuczka
Recognizing Dignity in Others | Kathryn Ball-Boruff
Honrar la dignidad humana | Kathryn Ball-Boruff
Catholic Social Teaching: All Are in God’s Image, Likeness | Kathy Kuczka
Ser imagen de Dios, base de la doctrina social católica | Kathy Kuczka
Examples of Faith Form Youth | Kathryn Ball-Boruff
Los ejemplos de fe educan a los jóvenes | Translated by Ricardo López
Young People Seek Room to Grow | Kathy Kuczka
Los jóvenes necesitan espacio para crecer y comprometer su fe | Translated by Ricardo López
The Litany: Calling on the Saints to Intercede for Us | Translated by Ricardo López
La letanía: Pedir a los santos que intercedan por nosotros | Translated by Ricardo López
Three Days to Rediscover Our Identity in Christ | Kathy Kuczka
Tres días para redescubrir nuestra identidad en Cristo | Translated by Ricardo López
The Holy Thursday Liturgy: Our Prayer Leads to Living Out Justice | Michael S. Driscoll
Holy Week Draws Christians Closer to Life in Christ | Kathryn Ball-Boruff
La Semana Santa atrae a los fieles a Cristo | Translated by Ricardo López |
A Journey to New Life in Christ | Kathy Kuczka
Caminar a la vida nueva en Cristo | Translated by Ricardo López |
Celebrating the Patronal Saint | Kathy Kuczka
Celebrar al santo patrono | Translated by Ricardo López |
Drawing the Saints Close | Kathryn Ball-Boruff |
Santos próximos | Translated by Ricardo López |
Receiving the Eucharist, Opening Ourselves to Change | Kathy Kuczka |
Recibir la Eucaristía nos abre al cambio | Translated by Ricardo López |
God Appears in the Ordinary | Kathryn Ball-Boruff |
Dios está en lo ordinario | Translated by Ricardo López |
Lent: A Time for Inner Cleansing | Kathy Kuczka |
Cuaresma: Tiempo de limpieza interior | Translated by Ricardo López |
Participating in Lent as a Family | Kathryn Ball-Boruff |
Guardar la Cuaresma en familia | Translated by Ricardo López |
What Is the Role of the Sponsor? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Cuál es la función del tutor en la fe o sponsor? | Translated by Ricardo López |
A Centerpiece for Prayer | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Una corona para orar | Translated by Ricardo López |
What Is the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿En qué consiste el Rito de Admisión en el Orden de los Catecúmenos? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Blessing One Another | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Bendecirnos unos a otros | Translated by Ricardo López |
What Is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Qué es el Rito de la iniciación cristiana de adultos? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Opening Children to God's Love | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Abriendo a los niños al amor de Dios | Translated by Ricardo López |
How Does Baptism Change Us? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Cómo nos cambia el bautismo? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Helping Children Speak to God | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Impulse a sus hijos a hablar con Dios | Translated by Ricardo López |
Why Are Three Sacraments Received at the Vigil? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Por qué se reciben tres sacramentos en la Vigilia pascual? | Translated by Ricardo López |
What Happened at My Baptism? | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
¿Qué sucedió en mi bautismo? | Translated by Ricardo López |
What Are the Scrutinies | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Que son los escrutinios? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Why Is the Day Christ Died Called "Good" Friday? | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
¿Por qué es "santo" el día de la muerte de Jesús? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Seeking Christian Unity | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Buscando la unidad cristiana | Translated by Ricardo López |
Keeping Christ in Christmas | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
La Navidad con Cristo | Translated by Ricardo López |
A Day for Prayers, Remembering | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Día de plegarias y recuerdos | Translated by Ricardo López |
Praying with Mary to Christ | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Orar a Cristo, con María | Translated by Ricardo López |
Why Is Incense Used at Mass? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Por qué se usa el incienso en la misa? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Why Is Incense Used at Mass? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Por qué se usa el incienso en la misa? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Living in God's Time | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Vivir el tiempo de Dios | Translated by Ricardo López |
May the Bride and Groom Process up the Aisle Together | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Pueden los novios caminar juntos en la Procesión hacia el altar? | Translated by Ricardo López |
Honoring Creation | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Honrar la creación | Translated by Ricardo López |
The Spiritual Works of Mercy | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Las obras espirituales de misericordia | Translated by Ricardo López |
Trusting the Good Shepherd | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Confiar en el Buen Pastor | Translated by Ricardo López |
Spreading Acts of Mercy | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Difundir obras de misericordia | Translated by Ricardo López |
Acting as a People of Mercy | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Ser personas de misericordia | Translated by Ricardo López |
A Jubilee Year of Mercy | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Un Año Jubilar de Misericordia | Translated by Ricardo López |
Observing Advent at Home | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Guardar el Adviento en casa | Translated by Ricardo López |
Baptismal Symbols at Funerals | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Los símbolos bautismales en las exequias | Translated by Ricardo López |
Honoring Creation | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Honrar la Creacion | Translated by Ricardo López |
Our Pilgrimage with the Saints | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Nuestro peregrinar con los santos | Translated by Ricardo López |
A Sign of Our Belonging | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Un signo de nuestra pertenencia | Translated by Ricardo López |
The Gift of the Holy Spirit | Kristopher W. Seaman |
El don del Espíritu Santo | Translated by Ricardo López |
The Saints Show Us the way to God | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Los Santos nos muestran el Camino a Dios | Translated by Ricardo López |
The Holy Oils | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Los Santos Oleos | Translated by Ricardo López |
Our Easter Joy | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Nuestra alegria pascual | Translated by Ricardo López |
Fasting: A Way to Turn to God | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Ayuno: Camino para volver a Dios | Translated by Ricardo López |
Our Journey to Remember | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Un viaje para recordar | Translated by Ricardo López |
Awaiting the Light | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
A la espera de la Luz | Translated by Ricardo Lóopez |
Our Liturgical Spirituality | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Nuestra Espiritualidad Litúrgica | Translated by Ricardo Lóopez |
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America | Timothy Matovina |
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Madre de América | Translated by Ricardo López |
A Season to Learn about Mary | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Otoño mariano | Translated by Ricardo López |
Taking Time to Praise God | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Darnos tiempo para alabar a Dios |
A Welcoming Body of Christ | Christina Spahn |
Un Cuerpo de Cristo hospitalario |
The Spirit of Blessing | Denise La Giglia |
El Espíritu de Bendecir |
A Vacation with God | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Vacaciones con Dios |
Why Are Feet Washed on Holy Thursday? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Por qué hacemos el lavatorio de los pies el Jueves Santo? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
Passing on Our Beliefs | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
Transmitiendo nuestra fe | Trish Sullivan Vanni |
The Church's Relationship with the World | Kristopher W. Seaman |
The Church and Other Faiths | Kristopher W. Seaman |
The Universal Call to Holiness | Kristopher Seaman |
The Word of God Transforms | Kristopher Seaman |
Our Call to Participation | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Did the Second Vatican Council Occur? | Kristopher Seaman |
Celebrating Advent | Kristopher Seaman |
The Year of Faith | Kristopher Seaman |
You Are Needed | Kristopher Seaman |
Keeping the Vigil of Pentecost | Kristopher Seaman |
The Vigil Fire: A Call to Encounter Christ | Kristopher Seaman |
"Lord, I Am Not Worthy..." | D. Todd WIlliamson |
"Señor, no soy digno..." | D. Todd WIlliamson |
"Consubstantial with the Father" | Rev. Daniel Merz, SLL |
"Consubstancial al Padre" | Rev. Daniel Merz, SLL |
"The Confiteor" | D. Todd Williamson |
"Consubstantial with the Father" | Rev. Daniel Merz, SLL |
"Consubstancial al Padre" | Rev. Daniel Merz, SLL |
Pope John Paul II | Mary Fox |
"I Believe" | Daniel Merz, SLL |
"Creo" | Daniel Merz, SLL |
"And with your Spirit" | Daniel Merz, SLL |
"Y con tu espíritu" | Daniel Merz, SLL |
Why Was The Roman Missal Revised? | Kristopher Seaman |
¿Por qué se revisó el Misal Romano en inglés? | Kristopher Seaman |
The Prayer of the Faithful | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Does the Priest Wash His Hands during Mass? | Kristopher Seaman |
What Is Ordinary Time? | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Do People Process with the Body of Christ on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ? | Kristopher Seaman |
What Are the Seven Deadly Sins? | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Do We Receive Ashes as Lent Begins? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
¿Por qué nos imponemos ceniza al comenzar la Cuaresma? | Kristopher W. Seaman |
What is the Liturgy of the Hours? | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Do We Reverence the Book of the Gospels? | Kristopher Seaman |
Does the Catholic Church Allow Cremation? | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Are Babies Baptized during Mass? | Kristopher Seaman |
Why Do We Bless Ourselves upon Entering the Worship Space? | Kristopher Seaman |
Celebrating Reconciliation | Darren M. Henson, STL |
O Antiphons | Darren M. Henson, STL |
Funeral Preparations | Darren M. Henson, STL |
Receiving Communion | Darren M. Henson, STL |
Celebrating Sacraments During Easter | Darren M. Henson, STL |
Processing to the Kingdom | Darren M. Henson, STL |
Coming Back Together | Maureen A. Kelly, MA |
Hopeful Longing: A Spirituality for Advent | Maureen A. Kelly, MA |
Bringing Forth the Kingdom of God | Maureen A. Kelly, MA |
Our Sunday Obligation | Maureen A. Kelly, MA |
The Mission of the Baptized | Maureen A. Kelly, MA |
Keeping the Triduum | Maureen A. Kelly, MA |
A Gallery of Featured Artists |
A Good Read |
The Spirit of the Liturgy | reviewed by David Fagerberger, PhD |
Exsultemus: Rejoicing with God in the Hymns of the Roman Breviary | reviewed by Anthony Ruff, OSB |
Parish Picks |
Liturgy Training Publications |