May 17-21 National Council on Catechetical Leadership Annual Meeting |
Theme: Rediscover the Spirit of Truth |
Location: Dubuque, IA |
Information: nccl.org/convocation/
June 2-5 National Association of Lay Ministry Annual Conference |
Theme: Sustaining a Healthy Vineyard: Co-Workers at 15 |
Location: St. John's University, Collegeville, MN |
Information: www.nalm.org
June 14-27 Youth in Theology and Ministry Institute |
CANCELLED, Replaced with United in Love Virtual Gatherings |
Location: St. John's University, Collegeville, MN |
Information: www.csbsju.edu/sot/ytm
June 21-26 Summer Scripture Conference |
Theme: Interpreting Scripture in the Church |
Sponsor: Institute for Pastoral Leadership, University of St. Mary of the Lake |
Location: University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL |
Information: dbernacki@usml.edu or 847-837-4575
June 22-25 Liturgy Week |
Theme: The Liturgical Orientation of Catholic Education |
Speakers: Bishop Daniel Flores, Leonardo Franchi, Melanie Morey, John Piderit, Clare Kilbane, Katharine Mahon, Margot Fassler |
Location: University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN |
Information: mcgrath.nd.edu/conferences/summer-institute/liturgy-week/
June 29-July 2 Teaching Life and Human Dignity Symposium |
Sponsor: Notre Dame Office of Life and Human Dignity |
Location: University of Notre Dame |
Information: mcgrath.nd.edu/conferences/summer-institute/teaching-life-and-human-dignity-symposium/
June 29-July 3 Monastic Institute |
Theme: Humility: Paradoxical Pathway to Union with God |
Presenters: Fr. Luke Dysinger, osb; Sr. Manuela Scheiba, osb; Fr. Michael Casey, ocso |
Location: St. John's University, Collegeville, MN |
Information: www.csbsju.edu/sot/lifelong-learning/monastic
July 2-3 National Gathering on Christian Initiation™ 2020 |
Theme: The RCIA Adapted for Children |
Sponsor: Liturgy Training Publications |
Speakers: Sr. Sandra DeMasi, ssj; Rita Burns Senseman |
Location: Loyola University, Chicago, IL |
Information: www.ngci.org
July 6-10 American Guild of Organists National Convention |
Location: Atlanta, GA |
Information: www.agoatlanta2020.com
July 7-10 National Association of Pastoral Musicians Annual Conference |
Convention will be 100% virtual |
Theme: Called from Living Water |
Location: Louisville, KY |
Information: www.npm.org
July 15-19 Unity Explosion 2020 |
Theme: Evangelization and Liturgy Conference |
Sponsor: National Black Catholic Congress |
Location: Beaumont, TX |
Information: www.unityexplosion-regionx.com/copy-of-home
July 15-19 81st Annual Tekakwitha Conference |
Location: Raleigh, NC |
Information: usccb.org/issues-and-action/cultural-diversity/native-american/news/index.cfm
July 18-23 National Black Catholic Seminarians Conference |
Location: Cincinnati, OH |
Information: www.nbcsa.today/news-events
July 21-26 One Call/Una Vocación Institute |
Theme: Make Us Your Living Voice |
Location: St. John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, MN |
Information: www.onecallinstitute.org
July 27-31 Chant Workshop |
Location: St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN |
Information: www.saintmeinrad.edu/continuing-formation/chant-institute
July 27-31 Guitar and Ensemble Institute |
Location: Milford, OH |
Information: npm.org/featured-content/annual-guitar-and-ensemble-institute/
September 29-October 1 Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions National Meeting |
Theme: This House Brings to Light the Mystery of the Church |
Location: San Diego, CA |
Information: fdlc.org/2020
October 19-23 Catholic Leadership Summit and New Leaders Academy |
Location: Newport, RI |
Sponsor: National Catholic Education Association |
Information: www.ncea.org