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Dear Friends,

As we move into the season of Advent and anticipate the start of the jubilee year, we are reminded of the centrality of the virtue of hope in the unfolding of the Christian life. Christ’s coming into our world at Christmas and at each and every liturgy is a continual source of hope amid the changing circumstances of our lives. Through the years, Pastoral Liturgy® has supported liturgical ministers in their efforts to prepare liturgies that enable the faithful to have a fruitful encounter with the Lord. Mary G. Fox’s piece, “Celebrating the Legacy of Pastoral Liturgy®” highlights some of the magazine’s best work and reminds liturgical ministers of the plethora of content that is—and will remain—available for review on the Pastoral Liturgy® website (www.PastoralLiturgy.org).

In the article “Live Streaming Mass: A Modern Approach to Evangelization,” Ronald Thomas invites us to see the ongoing evangelizing potential of livestreaming and to invest the resources needed to sustain this digital ministry in the parish.

Several articles in this issue offer guidance for how to make the most of this season in the liturgical year. Jane Feliz Rush reflects on how the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe calls us to consider our own willingness to put our whole selves under the reign of Christ (“Allowing Christ to Reign in Our Hearts”). Lisa Bierer’s article “‘Greening’ the Parish: Are Real or Artificial Trees Better?” gives practical guidance to ministers of the liturgical environment grappling with how to make the most environmentally conscious decision regarding Advent and Christmas decor.

Paulette M. Chapman provides helpful guidance to initiation team members seeking to offer a balanced catechesis on the role of devotions in the Christian life. “Introducing Devotions to Catechumens” explores devotions as a rich source of spirituality while showing that they are most fruitful when they orient us to fuller participation in the liturgy.

In the article “Hymns and Carols Shape Our Faith,” Kathryn Ball-Boruff invites us to see the catechetical richness of the songs we sing throughout this festive and holy time of year and invites parents and family members to reflect together about what they teach us about our faith. Kathy Kuczka’s article, “Blessing the Home on Epiphany,” gives parishioners a brief overview of this traditional practice and offers a simple outline for use in the home.

May you be strengthened in hope as you wait to see all that the Lord has in store for you and your ministry in the months and years ahead.

Bishop Joseph N. Perry
Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago


Using the liturgy as its source, Pastoral Liturgy® was intentionally designed to be of service to the whole parish with resources for leaders and parishioners, those who are just beginning to learn about liturgy, and those who are seasoned volunteers and professionals.

The six 32-page, full-color issues follow the course of the liturgical year to provide guidance for liturgy preparation, faith formation, liturgical art and architecture, and the many areas of parish ministry that flow from the liturgy to witness the Gospel and build the kingdom of God.

Pastors, parish staffs, liturgy committees, catechists, musicians, architects, and everyone seeking to learn more about how the liturgy forms and informs all of parish life found this resource to be a valuable support to understanding the liturgy more fully and incorporating it as the source for all they do. That's why Pastoral Liturgy® magazine was the liturgy magazine for the whole parish!

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