The month of May often falls during the season of
Easter. This month is traditionally known as the month
of Our Lady. To honor the Blessed Virgin, parishes and
private groups often process and crown an image of the
Blessed Virgin Mary with flowers. This often is referred to as May
Crownings. This rite may be done on solemnities and feasts of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, or other festive days, and offers the Church a
chance to reflect on Marys important role in the history of salvation
and to learn reverence for our Blessed Mother. Children particularly
love processions, and the Order for Crowning an Image
of the Blessed Virgin Mary (available from the USCCB) can easily
be used in nonliturgical settings, such as the classroom; however,
with smaller children, it may be advisable to hold a simpler prayer
service to crown a small figure of Mary.
Unpack your Christmas nativity scene and bring out the
figure of Mary (or use any other statue or image you may have of
the Blessed Mother). Spread a clean white cloth on your prayer
table, place the figure of Mary in the center, and then set white
votive candles on either side of the figure. The prayer table should
be low enough for the children to see easily what is on it.
Using tiny silk flowers, or ribbon flowers from a craft store,
allow the children to create their own crowns. They can either
plait the wires (adding new flowers with each twist until they have
a garland) or glue the small ribbon buds onto precut cardboard
rings. Alternately, you may create a slightly larger crown and allow
each child to add flowers or ribbon decorations. Encourage the
children to be silent as each adds a contribution. Explain that
these small flowers represent our prayers.
Next, take some time to explain that processing is a way to
pray with our whole bodies. Remind them of the processions they
see at the beginning and end of each Mass. Demonstrate walking
slowly and carefully. Ask for volunteers and allow each volunteer
to demonstrate holy walking. Touch on the importance of
silence or of joining in the singing (there are many beautiful
Marian hymnssuch as Holy Is Your Name (Haas), Hail, Holy
Queen Enthroned Above, or Sing of Maryyou could teach
the children in advance if you plan to sing). If each child has
made a crown, let them know that they will process with their
crowns and be sure to explain that when the procession is over,
they will be able to hold their crowns on Marys head for a
moment and then place them at the figures feet. Begin from a
fixed spot in the room and lead the way with one of the lit votives.
Leave the other votive unlit until you arrive back at the prayer
table. You may circle the room two or three times, depending on
what feels comfortable. When you arrive at the prayer table, light
the remaining votive and place the one you were holding on the
other side of the figure of Mary. Invite the children to touch their
crowns to the figures head and then place them at her feet. If
there is only one crown, consider allowing each child a chance to
process with the crown and place it on the figures head. Small
children can be heartbroken if they miss out on this role.
Once the procession is over, you may wish to make the following
announcement, Today we honor Mary, the queen of our
hearts, and the queen of heaven. Mary was visited by the angel
Gabriel, who told her that she would have a baby who would rule
over all the earth. Mary said yes to this amazing announcement
and became the Mother of God. Soon after, she visited her cousin,
Elizabeth, who was the first to call her blessed among women.
If your children are older, you may read Luke 1:39-45, the
Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.
The following prayer may be used: Blessed Mother, once,
when you were a guest at a wedding in Cana, you told some servants,
'Do whatever he tells you. What wonderful advice for us,
today! Walk with us, O holy Mother of God, pray with us that the
world may rest in the peace beyond all understanding that comes
only from your Son, Jesus Christ, through whom we offer this
prayer. Invite the children to respond with petitions or spontaneous
prayers, perhaps by saying, Does anyone have anything to
say to Mary now? Or: Is there anything we could say to Jesus
about his mother? Conclude with the Hail Mary and any other
Marian songs
is a formation leader with the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and author of Childrens Daily Prayer 2006, published by LTP.